BBC真相 系列合集 抗生素、碳水化合物、肥胖、健身等的真相 2018
BBC真相 系列合集 抗生素、碳水化合物、肥胖、健身等的真相 2018
BBC真相 系列合集 抗生素、碳水化合物、肥胖、健身等的真相 2018
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*抗生素失效:大浩劫來臨 The Truth About Antibiotics (2019)

Angela Rippon looks at new ways that scientists are fighting bacterial infections, as they combat antibiotic resistance. She hears of the latest scientific breakthroughs, meets a GP on the front line and finds out how we can all help.

*碳水化合物的真相 The Truth About Carbs (2018)

  As a nation, we love eating carbs, and they are right at the heart of our diet. The problem is that with 63 per cent of UK adults now considered overweight or obese, many experts think that we are eating far too many wrong sorts of carbohydrate.
  Xand van Tulleken is a medical doctor and self-professed lover of carbs, to the point where he used to weigh 19 stone. He is keen to discover whether they really are a killer as claimed by many, responsible for record levels of obesity and type 2 diabetes. The film investigates cutting-edge research into the possible link between carb consumption and infertility in both women and men, and looks into whether genetic changes are taking place as we pass our eating habits on to our children.
  Xand and a team of volunteers play 'blood sugar bingo' as they attempt to guess how much sugar a selection of common foods each releases into the bloodstream. Xand discovers that looks can be deceiving - a baked potato is the equivalent of a staggering 19 sugar lumps, whereas a large bowl of strawberries is only four. There is also a simple test that anyone can do at home to determine how well they tolerate starchy carbs like rice, pasta and bread. Simply chew a small, unsalted cracker and time how long it takes to change taste in the mouth.
  The film then sets out to examine whether it is still possible to eat carbs, but in a way that is much healthier for us. There is a little-known type of carbohydrate called resistant starch; like fibre, it helps keep bowel cancer at bay. But a medical exam reveals that, like most people in the UK, Xand doesn't eat enough of this carb. So how should he go about eating more carbs like fibre and resistant starch?
  The programme turns the myth about bread on its head, discovering bakes that are good for us. There is even a way of making white bread healthier by sticking it in the freezer before toasting it - this process turns some of the sugary starch into resistant starch. Scientists have discovered that other starchy carbs like pasta, rice and potatoes can be changed in a very simple way to make them better for us, by cooking and cooling - they become less calorific and vital food for our gut bacteria.
  There is a surprise in store for Xand when he heads to the gym with his favourite carb-filled sports drink. He discovers that for exercise lasting less than an hour, there is a very neat trick that fools the brain into thinking that it is going to get carbs, which improves performance. All he has to do is swill the drink and spit it out.
  But perhaps most importantly, the programme teams up with a Merseyside GP to trial a healthy-eating plan. Originally devised to help diabetic and obese patients, this plan doesn't count calories but asks participants to be smart with their carbs - swapping 'sugary' carbs for more fibre. The results after just two weeks come as a surprise to Xand and the trial doctors.

*The Big Crash Diet

Documentary. Dr Javid Abdelmoneim and four overweight volunteers put crash dieting to the test to find out whether it could be a viable method for improving their health.

*健身的真相 The Truth About Getting Fit (2018)

Medical journalist Michael Mosley teams up with scientists whose latest research is turning common knowledge about fitness on its head. They reveal why 10,000 steps is just a marketing ploy and that two minutes of exercise is all a person needs each week. They discover how to get people to stick to their fitness plans and what exercise can actually make everyone more intelligent. Whether it is for couch potatoes who hate the thought of exercise, someone too busy to consider the gym, or even for fitness fanatics who are desperate to do more - science can help everyone exercise better.
By the end of January many people struggle to keep up their resolutions to be more active. The result is that people wastes millions on unused gym memberships. But new science has the answers.

*肥胖症的真相 The Truth About Obesity (2018)

  Nearly one in four people in the UK qualify as being obese, meaning their weight is significantly affecting the state of their health. Furthermore, nine out of ten obese people don’t even admit to being obese, or realise it.
  With a background in fresh produce, presenter Chris Bavin will seek out the latest scientific research to find out the truth about obesity. Within his lifetime obesity rates have tripled, and as a dad of two he’s particularly concerned about the high rates of childhood obesity, and the problems we’re passing on to future generations. He’ll be finding out exactly what obese is, and what happens to our bodies when we are, as well as the most effective and up-to-date solutions available.
  The science of obesity is changing faster than ever before, helping us come to a new understanding of what obesity is. With new research in areas as diverse as genetics, gut bacteria, chronobiology and hormone treatment, we’re beginning to realise that 'eat less and do more' is too simplistic a health message. Furthermore, big data techniques are enabling scientists to study many people over a number of decades, allowing us to find the real links between lifestyle and getting fat.
  The programme will allow the audience to be able to test themselves with a simple piece of string to find out if they’ve got the most damaging type of fat; as well as learning how and when we eat could be as important as what we eat; and that genes could account for between 40-70 per cent of obesity; and it'll feature an experiment which shows a simple food app which trains us to select healthy food options can have a remarkable effect in changing people’s eating habits.

*睡眠的真相 The Truth About Sleep

We are one of the most sleep-deprived countries in the world. In The Truth About Sleep, insomniac Michael Mosley finds out what happens if we don't get enough sleep and looks at surprising solutions to help us get more.

*壓力的真相 The Truth About STRESS

Presenter Fiona Phillips investigates what happens when we get stressed and what we can do about it.

*關於更年期的真相 The Truth About THE MENOPAUSE

Mariella Frostrup explores the taboos, secrets and amazing new science behind the menopause.
